The original idea was a detective film and developed over time towards a more film noir theme after research from books and other films. The biggest contribution of audience feedback was from my friend Amy.
I took a lot of advice from audience feedback. It helped me to chose the theme of the film and also in character development (for example, the villains claw.)
The black and white look was also down to audience feedback as it was popular, and my research into the genre I was going to do.
I feel my products are unique as I animated them out of plasticine, something no one else did. I was inspired to use this media as I am a huge fan of stop motion animation, especially that of Aardman animations. My favourite director is Richard Goleszowski who was responsible for Rex the Runt and Creature Comforts. He work has inspired me a great deal in the past and I feel his work has influenced me a great deal. I also set my project in the 70’s, again something no one else did. This is why on my film poster I have not included a web address, as you would see in modern day ones. It also allowed me to put it in black and white, which helped a lot in improving the quality of the lighting.
I have done a number of animations in the past and invented my own institution with it’s own logo called BRITCOM. I used this logo last year on my AS media magazine and also this year. I think it works well.
The other thing that is unique in my production was my viral campaign. Again, no one else did this. This was a suggestion from my friend Amy again and was inspired by the one that was made at the time of the batman film “The Dark Knight”. I was ale to promote my film over the internet on such places like facebook. My biggest achievement in promoting my film through this campaign was to actually get it in a cinema. In March I entered a animated film into a film festival and littered it with small clues about my media film. It came second. This meant that it was shown on the big screen at cineworlds deluxe screen.

So a lot of work went into pr-production before it finally started to take shape. I did storyboards, scripts and also had to design the sets and the looks of the characters. The story was also an adaptation of a book I am writing, just for fun really about a detective.
To make the trailer I used a ordinary digital camera and put them into windows movie maker. This is where I did my editing. I did scrap a lot of the animation when it came down to doing the trailer including a whole scene that took me a day to animate. It showed me a lot about how much film is discarded at the end of the day. The music I used was also totally original as my brother was the one who composed it for me especially for the film. So this was the first ever time it would have been used meaning like a real film, it has its own sound track. I future I am going to get him to make more music for my animations as I think he did a great job, so something else came from making this project.
I have really enjoyed this year’s media and think I have learnt an awful lot from it. I have seen how important planning and other people’s opinions and contributions are. I have take so much away from doing this that can’t list them all.